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Sponsorship: How does it work?
The servers and bandwidth used to host the GogomodoTrivia.com database, pass data in and out of Second Life, and maintain high scores costs real money. To keep Gogomodo Trivia free, we sell ads (sponsorships) that appear on the trivia prim. Once every ten questions (each question lasting 30 to 45 seconds), the trivia prim will switch the sponsor banner and remind those playing to help keep trivia free by visiting our sponsors.

The flat rate for sponsorship is L$5,000 for 30 days. It also allows you a great way to get your product or service in front of the eyeballs of many new residents. Gogomodo Trivia is located at over 150 destinations across the Second Life grid. Your ad will be shown in equal rotation with all the other sponsors across all locations.

Many sponsors have chosen to include freebie packs for those that click on the trivia object banner area. The script only runs when people are within the twenty meter chat range, so the script doesn't tax the simulator server when people are out of playing range, but the last banner on display remains on the board for people who might have to fly-by. This isn't like a banner ad on a web site; it's being shown to people who are currently actively playing trivia and can see and hear the prim!

To get started, I need sponsors to provide a few materials:

  • 512x256 texture, full modify rights (so I can get the asset UUID)

  • a notecard with your avatar key and a sentence promoting your business which will be read into chat when your banner is introduced in front of players

  • either a URL or up to two SL items (landmarks, notecards, freebie pack) which will be handed to people when they click your logo; any items must be full-mod, but feel free to let me know of any restrictions you'd like me to set up for permissions

  • Once your ad has been set up, I provide sponsors with a prim they can easily keep track of how many impressions they have received, and when their ad expires. Leaving the prim rez'd in world will send you reminders when your ad is about to expire via instant message, and you can "re-charge" your impressions simply by paying the prim like a vendor.

    Thank you for the interest!

    An example Gogomodo Trivia prim; avatar shown is 6'2" tall. Notice the ad for the "Motion Merchant" and the Gogomodo Trivia logo above it.

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